Saturday, August 20, 2022

Meanwhile, at my YouTube channel (Shellac City)

 I've been posting a fair amount of material to my YouTube page--I suppose that has kept me from the blog.  That, and several other current concerns.  At any rate, I will try to (what's the word?) imbed some of the more successful (imo) restorations from my YT page.  And please feel free to explore my other offerings.  

I'm no expert at this--in fact, I've simply been uploading videos, with no attempts at customizing the page.  At some point, I may try to figure out all of that.  For now, the precise restorations and photoshopping of the label scans (and video making) seem to take up all of my time.  Anyway...




Diane said...

Wow! Cool!

Lee Hartsfeld said...

Thank you!

Apesville said...

enjoyed the Big Buy Big 4 hit ep's Dean

Ernie said...

Good work over there, Lee! :)

Steve said...

The Shellac City page is a great format for these, and the sounds are great! Great job Lee!

Lee Hartsfeld said...

Thanks, everyone--and I'll put up some more budget label material.